The Prophets
There were countless prophets mentioned in Scripture who demonstrated their faith through obedience and boldness. They were often ill treated, ignored, and even persecuted, however the faithful ones continued to obey the Lord despite the difficulties. Join us for session twenty two as we are challenged by the prophets' obedience and boldness to continue to carry the message of the Gospel to a lost and dying world.
1 Kings 18:8-12
1 Kings 18:17
1 Kings 18:18-21
Isaiah 30:9-11
1 Kings 18:36-40
Ezekiel 33:1-9
Discussion Questions:
1. What was the point of Biblical prophets and what did they do? How did their lives demonstrate faith?
2. How do false prophets differ from genuine prophets? How can you tell the difference and why is it important not to listen to false prophets?
3. Prophets were often ill treated, abused, and sometimes even killed. What was their motivation to continue in faithfulness even in what was a perilous calling?
4. How do their lives challenge you to be bold, regardless of the consequences/cost?
5. In what way were the prophets called to be watchmen? How are we called to serve the same role?