Gained Approval
Through all of their accomplishments, victories, and trials, the great heroes of faith did not receive what God ultimately promised them; instead, they looked forward to its future fulfillment. By their faith they gained God's approval and were made righteous. Join us for session twenty-five as we examine the final verses of Hebrews 11 and learn how God had provided something better for them through the person of Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 11:39-40
Hebrews 13:8
Matthew 5:17
Hebrews 9:15
James 2:17-18
Discussion Questions:
1. How have the heroes of faith, who looked forward to the promised Savior, encouraged you to have faith as one who looks back to the fulfillment of the promised Savior, Jesus Christ?
2. If the Law cannot save and cannot make us righteous, what was the point of the Law? (Galatians3:21-26)
3. If salvation was achieved by keeping a set of rules or performing works, how could this lead to boasting and spiritual arrogance?
4. In what ways do you see people try to make themselves more righteous through works? In what ways do you find yourself trying to earn God’s approval by your works?
5. Christ set us free from the dead works of the Law. In what ways could we use our freedom in Christ to gratify the flesh instead of serve the Lord? Instead, what are we called to do with the deeds of the flesh (Galatians 5:16-23)
6. What holds you back from fully surrendering to the life of faith that Jesus died to give you?