Moses: Wandering in the Wilderness
The Israelites have been freed from bondage and captivity, and now the Lord has brought them into the wilderness to wander for 40 years. Quick to forget the goodness & provision of God, they began to grumble and complain about their circumstances. How do we resemble the Israelites in our seasons of trials & wandering, and what does this reveal about our faith? Join us this week as we continue our series of Hebrews 11, with Wandering in the Wilderness.
Exodus 15:23-25
Philippians 2:14-15
Luke 6:45
Exodus 3:7-8
Deuteronomy 8:2-4
Isaiah 43:1-2
1. Some of the Israelites complained because they had “greedy desires.” How does greed drive complaining?
2. The Bible says the Israelites became like those who “complain of adversity.” How do we often do the same and what things do we complain about when in trial?
3. When in trial the Israelites were quick to assume God’s faithfulness had failed and his motives toward them were evil. How do we do the same thing? What do we wrongly assume about God’s character when times are hard?
4. God commanded the Israelites to go spy out the promised land and to go in and take the land. Why were they afraid to do so and how does their decision indicate a lack of faith?
5. Read Philippians 2:14-15. We are called to do all things without complaining or disputing. Why does this matter?