Fashioned Session Twelve: Kind

Mar 22, 2022    Angela McAlister

God's loving kindness is spoken of time and time again in Scripture. It is a characteristic we ought to display to the lost and dying world around us that is desperately in need of hope. How does Biblical kindness act and to whom do we owe it?

Join us for session twelve as we discuss how we can walk in kindness and extend it even toward those who are ungrateful or seemingly undeserving of it.

Verses Used:
Luke 6:31
Luke 6:35
1 John 3:17-18
Matthew 6:3-4
Mark 12:31
Philippians 2:3

Discussion Questions:
1. How is Biblical kindness defined?
2. How does Biblical kindness act?
3. What must you lay down to walk in kindness?
4. How can we grow in kindness?
5. Is there anyone you’re tempted to withhold kindness from? Why should you not?