Fashioned Session Eight: Teachers
Every single believer is commanded to study Scripture so they can understand it and share it with others. We are called to teach what is right and true. In addition, we must be prepared to stand against what is false. Join us for session eight as we discuss how to teach what is good.
Verses Used:
Acts 18:1-3 & 24-26
Romans 16:3-5
2 Timothy 2:23-26
Titus 1:9
Psalm 86:11
Deuteronomy 6:5-7
Discussion Questions:
1. What things are we called to teach and in what way, or what tone should we teach?
2. Do you feel confident in your ability to rightly understand and teach the Bible? If the answer is no, how can you diligently apply yourself to studying so you can do so?
3. In addition to teaching what is good and true, what should we also be prepared to refute and why?
4. We should be able to speak things that are true, but we should also live our lives by example. Are you an example worth following?
5. Who are we called to teach? Who are we not called to teach?