Fashioned Session Fifteen: Servants
Our culture proclaims we should live for ourselves, do what makes us happy and serve our own interests above all else. These notions stand in direct opposition to what we are called to as believers. In contrast, Jesus calls us to be servant-hearted, placing the needs of others before our own. How can we do this and what is our motivation for doing so? Join us for session fifteen as we discover how to find joy in serving others before ourselves.
Verses Used:
Romans 12:3
Philippians 2:3-4
Mark 10:45
Philippians 2:6-7
Galatians 6:9
Discussion Questions:
1. Who do we serve?
2. Why do we serve?
3. What does being servant-hearted look like? What does it not look like?
4. How can we be servant-hearted, but not be taken advantage of by others?
5. Is there ever a time not to serve others?
6. What is the ultimate goal of our service to others?