Fashioned Session Seven: Useful to the Master

Feb 15, 2022    Erin Morris

The Bible says part of why we are created is for good works and it talks about us being useful to the Master. What is the purpose of good works and how can we prepare ourselves to be useful to the Lord? Join us for session seven as we discover the purpose and the blessing of being useful vessels.

Verses Used:
Acts 9:36-43
Ephesians 2:10
2 Timothy 2:21-22
Luke 17:10
Matthew 5:16

Discussion Questions:
1. Looking at the whole of your life, who would you honestly say is your Master? Who do you serve with your time, energy, money, etc.?
2. What is required of us and our lives if we are to be useful to the Master and what hinders our usefulness?
3. What things in your life could you employ to be useful to the Lord? What giftings, talents, time, energy could you devote to His use?
4. What is the blessing of being useful to the Master? Why should we care about doing this?
5. What is the ultimate purpose or goal of our usefulness?