Fashioned Session Eighteen: Love Your Children
The Bible has a high regard for children and we should reflect this same view to all children we encounter whether they are our own or someone else's. We should be actively involved in displaying the love of Christ to children and training them in godliness. Join us for session eighteen as we discover what we are called to and how we can fulfill our roles well.
Verses Used:
Psalm 127:3-5
Proverbs 27:23
Deuteronomy 6:4-5
2 Corinthians 5:17
Discussion Questions:
How does the Biblical view of children differ from that of the world and what value does the Bible place on children?
What things are involved in shepherding children well?
How are we called to love our children and when you do find it most difficult to be loving? Is there anything that hinders your ability to love well?
What is our responsibility in training our children, both in disciplining them and training them up to know the Lord?
When we provide discipline, what is our motivation for doing so and what should be our attitude in moments of discipline?