Rock or Sand?
How do you handle the storms of life?
Everyone endures storms: temptations, trials, hardships.
Join us to discover how to make it through the difficult times in life.
1. Looking at your life and the identity you have what would you say your foundation is constructed of/built on? Where do you spend the majority of your time?
2. What does your life look like when you are not reading the Bible/applying it to your life, in prayer, serving etc.? How do you respond when things get hard? Be Honest.
3. What does a life look like that has its foundation built on a rock solid relationship with Jesus? Be specific
4. Colossians 2:6-7 says to let our lives be built on Jesus then we will grow strong in the truth (Bible) we are taught. What plan can you put into action right now to make Jesus the solid foundation in your life? How can we as your parents or leaders help you make this happen?