4 Soils

Oct 13, 2021    Michael Fitzgerald


In Matthew 13:11, Jesus said to His disciples that they were permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of the Heaven, but others were not. How can you know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven? Why are others not given understanding?

Jesus explained what the elements in each parable represent. He tells us in Mark 14:3 that It’s important to understand what each element represents, as they will be keys to understanding some of the other parables. What did Jesus say each of these elements represent: sower, seed, soil, wayside, birds, stony places, sun, thorny ground, thorns, good soil, and fruit? (Also see Mark 4:1–20 and Luke 8:4–15.)

What is your response in hearing the Word of God? How would you categorize yourself in comparison to the four soils? Be Specific…

Read Matthew 7:15-20 What kind of fruit is your life producing?