Growing Seed
Last week, we reflected on our focus. We learned through Jesus’ parable of the rich fool that we should store up heavenly treasure as we build God’s kingdom instead of our own. This week’s parable will teach us about an incredible transformation that happens in the life of God’s follower as they live focused on Him.
2nd Corinthians 5:17 | says: This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! We have our initial growth of salvation and then we continue to grow as we follow Him. Looking back at your life can you recognize growth as a follower of Jesus? What did that growth look like and mean to you? If you don’t recognize any growth why do you think that is?
Have you matured to deeper teachings? To learning on your own? To teaching others? If not, why? If yes, how will you keep growing deeper? God’s followers are never done growing!
After reading this weeks parable we can be sure that we are not responsible for the growth in a person’s heart. But the parable also teaches that God partners with us to spread his word.
What are you doing to ‘plant seeds’ (in the lives of unbelievers?)
What are you doing to ‘water seeds’ (in the lives of unbelievers? In the lives of believers?)