Pharisee & Tax Collector
Jesus once told a parable to explain this to people who thought highly of their own righteousness- or their own good works. Jesus’ story is about two men who go the temple to pray— a pharisee and a despised tax collector (Luke 18:10).
Join us to discover what the two meanings are of this parable!
1. Read the parable of the pharisee and the tax collector (Luke 18:9-14). What is the overall theme that Jesus is trying to teach the reader?
2. Who in this parable do you relate to and in what ways? Be specific.
3. Do you find yourself putting on a show- to deflect people in your life to portray your character differently than you actually are? For example with your parents, families, teachers, and friends etc? How & why?
4. Why is pride so sinful? What does a pure and humble heart look like?