Saul to Paul
Paul is one of the most prominent figures in the New Testament who was used as a mighty instrument of Jesus to build the kingdom. We are first introduced to Saul in the eighth chapter of Acts when he was found to have approved the stoning of Stephen. Saul was a wicked man who actively persecuted followers of the Way until his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. In the ninth chapter of Acts, we see the man Saul radically transformed into a new creation when he put his faith in Jesus Christ. Paul knew the mercy and grace that Jesus extended to him, which motivated him to live his life for Jesus. You may not have a knocked-to-the-ground transformation as Paul did, but if you have accepted Jesus as Lord, you have a transformation story, and your life should reflect an ongoing transformation. In the coming weeks, we will take a deep dive into Paul's life, but this week, we will look at his story of transformation.