Truth in Love
Stephen was a man the Bible says was full of faith and the Holy Spirit. As he was led by the Holy Spirit, we see a great stir of opposition that came against him by the religious leaders. When dragged before his accusers by way of false witness, Stephen goes on to preach the longest sermon recorded in the book of Acts. Stephen preached a message that was firmly anchored in truth, paving a model for us to follow today. This week we learn an important truth for us to follow… that when sharing our faith with others we are to anchor our defense in nothing else but God’s Word. Sometimes we are afraid to share truth because we are afraid that others will say it is unloving. We can clearly see from Stephen's sermon that it was presented in love because we find him at the end asking God to forgive the high priest and council for "they did not know what they were doing". It is important for believers to stick to truth even when it seems unloving. Sharing truth is the most loving thing we can do.