Confidence in the Holy Spirit
In Acts chapter 4 we see that Peter and John have just healed a man through the power of the Holy Spirit and as a result preached a sermon where more than 5,000 people responded in repentance to the Gospel. This upset the religious leaders and they secured both Peter and John in prison. When asked by their captors by what power and in what name have they done these things, they responded in confidence by preaching another sermon to them. The religious leaders “observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus. And seeing the man who had been healed standing with them, they had nothing to say in reply.”(Acts 4:13-14)
We learn that it wasn’t their own confidence and ability to be bold, but in that of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ working through them. The religious leaders tried urging Peter and John to stop spreading this message but because these men were filled with the Holy Spirit and His leading they refused and we see them preach another sermon. The confidence and boldness is convicting for those of us that have professed Jesus as Lord. We must ask why are we so timid and where do we put our confidence when it comes to sharing truth? This week we unpack how the Holy Spirit works through our weaknesses so that God will receive glory and so that others can be pointed to Jesus.