Divine Appointment

Mar 6, 2024    Brenan Hudgens

In the third chapter of Acts we see Peter used in a mighty way by the power and leading of the Holy Spirit to heal a man that had been lame from birth. We can see from this story that the Holy Spirit gave Peter eyes to see a man that was in need and then gave him the power according to His will to heal a man, but why? This man was healed miraculously by the power of the Holy Spirit so that God would receive glory and by it many would come to repentance. We know that God is the God of miracles and that He still conducts them at His will in todays age but unfortunately people have perverted what the purpose of them are. We may not have the ability to heal others according to God’s will but we certainly have the ability to meet the needs of others. This week we learn that the Holy Spirit is still at work navigating followers to the helpless, and that He guides us to meet the needs of others so that we can point them to Jesus.