Defusing A Crisis

Nov 2, 2023    Jeremy Luchenbill

In this message, we will be studying David's fleshly reaction to foolish Nabal and how Abigail not only saves her household from danger, but she gives godly counsel to the future king of Israel.


1 Samuel 25:10-11

1 Samuel 25:17

Romans 12:19-21

Proverbs 31:10-12

Proverbs 31:20

Proverbs 31:26-30

Romans 3:10-14

Romans 5:8

1 Samuel 25:36-38

Discussion Questions:

Ice breaker : What is your best marriage advice?

1. Have you ever lost your temper and your spouse helped you cool down?

2. How do you control your anger when disagreeing with your spouse?

3. What are some of your spouse's godly traits that you wish you had?

4. Read Romans 12:19-21. Do you have an example of practicing this Scripture?

5. Read Psalm 111:9-10. What does fearing the Lord look like to you?