David's Whirlwind

Dec 7, 2023    Todd Deering


2 Samuel 12:10-12

Galatians 6:7-8

Hosea 8:7

2 Samuel 13:1-2

Acts 9:1-5

1 Timothy 1:15-16

Discussion questions:

Icebreaker (optional): What is your favorite outdoor activity?


1. David suffered great consequences for his sins. Share a time in your life when you fell short and what were the consequences. (Example: Got in trouble, failed your spouse, set a bad example, etc.)

2. Read John 3:17. When our own lives have been a mess and we are in the whirlwind, how does this Truth comfort you?

3. Many people throughout the Bible fell into sin or demonstrated failure. Why do you think that is included in the Bible? Can you name a few other examples of Biblical men or women that fell short?

4. Read Romans 8:28. How have you seen God use your past brokenness and sin for His glory?

5. What does it mean to have a true relationship with Christ in regards to forgiveness of sins? (Share Gospel in group or salvation testimony.)