In The Place Of God
As we kick-off this new series let take a look back before David was called to be king. The people had spend many years be led directly by God, but now they would seek a king. They would replace God with a human king "like the other nations" as they thought a human king would deliver them from their troubles. We can fall into this trap as well! It will have disastrous effects for the Israelites and it will for us as too!
1 Samuel 8:4-9
Exodus 19:4-6
1 Peter 2:9
1 Samuel 9:1
Isaiah 33:22
Discussion Questions:
Ice Breaker (optional): What is your spouse's favorite candy?
1. What stood out to you most from tonight's teaching?
2. Why do you think people have a tendency to want to be like everyone else?
3. Can you think of a time when your friend, or someone you looked up to, led you towards making a choice that you know was outside of God's will for you?
4. Have you ever put your spouse before God? Why should we put God first before our spouse?
5. How can we find strength to be obedient to God during those times when we feel pressure to stray from God's will?