CHURCH - Is those who follow Jesus
Colossians 2:6-7a | And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught…
Over the last few months, we’ve explored how to grow deep roots as followers of Christ. Last week, we examined salvation, made possible when we put our faith in Jesus, who’s blood covers us, making us right in God’s sight.
God’s followers must build their lives on Him as they grow in truth, but they aren’t meant to do that alone. The early church in Acts demonstrates God’s design for his followers- the Body of Christ— also known as His Church. This week we’ll see that the church isn’t a building or a set of pastors. We’ll grow in our final essential-
Essential #10 - The Church is the body of Christ and consists of all of God’s followers. God’s church has been entrusted with meeting together to grow, love one another, encourage and support each other, serve together, and to proclaim Christ to others. Each individual follower of God plays a critical role in the body of Christ. Remaining unified and active in and through a local church body allows the believer to fulfill their role as the church.
Acts 2:36-40 | “So let everyone in Israel know for certain that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, to be both Lord and Messiah!” Peter’s words pierced their hearts, and they said to him and to the other apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?” Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away—all who have been called by the Lord our God.” Then Peter continued preaching for a long time, strongly urging all his listeners, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation!”
1. What is Peter’s message to the people in Acts?
2. Have you followed Peter’s instructions? When and how?
Acts 2:41 | Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all.
3. Those who believed Peter’s message or became followers of Jesus also became part of the what?
4. Are you part of a church? In what ways?
5. What does being part of God’s church mean to you? What do you do for the church? What does the church do for you?
Over the last few months, we’ve explored how to grow deep roots as followers of Christ. Last week, we examined salvation, made possible when we put our faith in Jesus, who’s blood covers us, making us right in God’s sight.
God’s followers must build their lives on Him as they grow in truth, but they aren’t meant to do that alone. The early church in Acts demonstrates God’s design for his followers- the Body of Christ— also known as His Church. This week we’ll see that the church isn’t a building or a set of pastors. We’ll grow in our final essential-
Essential #10 - The Church is the body of Christ and consists of all of God’s followers. God’s church has been entrusted with meeting together to grow, love one another, encourage and support each other, serve together, and to proclaim Christ to others. Each individual follower of God plays a critical role in the body of Christ. Remaining unified and active in and through a local church body allows the believer to fulfill their role as the church.
Acts 2:36-40 | “So let everyone in Israel know for certain that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, to be both Lord and Messiah!” Peter’s words pierced their hearts, and they said to him and to the other apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?” Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away—all who have been called by the Lord our God.” Then Peter continued preaching for a long time, strongly urging all his listeners, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation!”
1. What is Peter’s message to the people in Acts?
2. Have you followed Peter’s instructions? When and how?
Acts 2:41 | Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all.
3. Those who believed Peter’s message or became followers of Jesus also became part of the what?
4. Are you part of a church? In what ways?
5. What does being part of God’s church mean to you? What do you do for the church? What does the church do for you?
NAMES OF JESUS: Light of the worldNAMES OF JESUS: KingESSENTIALS: Salvation motivates growthESSENTIALS: Crave Spiritual Food Pt. 1ESSENTIALS: Crave Spiritual Food Pt. 2ESSENTIALS: To live GodlyESSENTIALS: One who loves wisdomESSENTIALS: Not worldly philosophiesESSENTIALS: So your ready to shareBIBLE: Inspired(Authored) by GodBIBLE: Is Inerrant (Free from Error)BIBLE: Is Infallible (will not fail)BIBLE: Helps me growBIBLE: Is Authoritative Pt 1BIBLE: Is Authoritative Pt. 2BIBLE: Obeyed through actionGOD: The trinity (3 in 1)GOD: Is perfectGOD: Is loveGOD: Is creatorGOD: Is all powerfulGOD: Is all knowingGOD: Always presentGOD: JESUS - is GodGOD: JESUS - Son of GodGOD: JESUS - Operates in unity with trinityGOD: JESUS - Is sinlessGOD: JESUS - Our advocateGOD: JESUS - SalvationGOD: JESUS - Our exampleGOD: HOLY SPIRIT - Operates in unity with trinity
GOD: HOLY SPIRIT - Given to Jesus followersGOD: HOLY SPIRIT - Our helperGOD: HOLY SPIRIT - ConvictsGOD: HOLY SPIRIT - Guides righteousnessGOD: HOLY SPIRIT - Helps us growGOD: HOLY SPIRIT - Works through usHEAVEN & HELL - What is heaven like?HEAVEN & HELL - Who goes to heaven?HEAVEN & HELL - What is hell like?HEAVEN & HELL - What is hell like?HEAVEN & HELL - God is the judgeHEAVEN & HELL - Your choice!HEAVEN & HELL - God wants all to be saved!SATAN - His origin - Pt. 1SATAN - His origin - Pt. 2SATAN - Is craftySATAN - How he works (unbelievers)SATAN - How he works (believers)SATAN - Resisting himSATAN - The end of his storyMAN - Created in God's ImageMAN - Entrusted with God's creationMAN - Handcrafted by GodMAN - Loved by GodMAN - Created with a purposeMAN - Created to live for GodMAN - God's MessangersSIN - What is sin?
SIN - Where does sin come from?SIN - Everyone sinsSIN - Results in deathSIN - Points us to our need for JesusSIN - The desire for sin and right wars within usSIN - Your Desire > Satan's Temptation > Sin or Escape?SALVATION - God's giftSALVATION - Not deserved or earnedSALVATION - Through faithSALVATION - Only through JesusSALVATION - Through the crossSALVATION - Fully & forever forgivenSALVATION - Faith changes how you liveCHURCH - Is those who follow JesusCHURCH - Meets togetherCHURCH - Loves one anotherCHURCH - Supports one anotherCHURCH - Serves one anotherCHURCH - Proclaims JesusCHURCH - You are the churchLIFE - Foretold and Jesus follwedLIFE - Proclaimed good news to the poorLIFE - Taught in parablesLIFE - Jesus' teaching fell on deaf earsLIFE - MiraclesLIFE - Hated and RejectedLIFE - The only saviorDEATH - The promised savior on a donkeyDEATH - The promised savior\'s betrayalDEATH - The promised savior\'s silenceDEATH - The Savior mocked
DEATH - Crucified with sinnersDEATH - Pierced but not brokenDEATH - Buried with the richRESURRECTION - He is alive!RESURRECTION - Bore our sinRESURRECTION - AscendedRESURRECTION - Sits at the right hand of GodRESURRECTION - Gave his SpiritRESURRECTION - Left his followers giftsRESURRECTION - Will Return